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How Do You Make a Cheese and Onion Toastie

Cheese and Onion Toastie with text overlay

Cheese and Onion Sandwich with text overlay

Cheese and Onion Sandwich that will blow your socks off!! This simple vegetarian cheese and onion toastie, rivals our hash brown grilled cheese for the best tasting toast sandwich on the blog!

Cheese and Onion Sandwich stack with some green garnish in front

Zucchini Grilled Cheese, Hash Brown Grilled Cheese, Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup or our Cheese and Onion toastie, which one will be your favourite?

Jump to:
  • Cheese and Onion Sandwich
  • Ingredients needed
  • Instructions to make cheese and onion sandwich
  • Do you butter both sides of bread for a toastie
  • Why is my grilled cheese sticking to the pan
  • What goes best with grilled cheese
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Cheese and Onion Sandwich Quick info
  • Recipe
  • Vegetarian Grilled cheese recipes

Cheese and Onion Sandwich

This is comfort food. There is no doubt about that. Cheese anything pretty much is, just like our ground beef pasta bake!

But what we are going for here is flavour.

We do that by usingdried onion.It adds taste and maximum flavour,  but saves times and tears, no need to cry all over our grilled cheese!

In Australia, we have a cheese and onion flavour of chips. They are insanely popular. Everyone loves the combination of flavours,  from young to old. Much like that packet of chips, we are working with the cheese and onion combination for this deliciously cheesy grilled cheese!

Ingredients needed

How good are grilled cheese sandwiches? How good in general is cheese! Haha, I think you will agree with me, that it is darn good.

Let's have a look at our ingredients. In the photo below, you can see what you will need:

  • multigrain sourdough
  • cheese
  • dried onion
  • butter
  • oregano
  • thyme
  • dried garlic
  • salt and pepper
  • balsamic vinegar (to serve)
Cheese and Onion Sandwich ingredients with text overlay

Multigrain sourdough adds taste and texture to the sandwich, but feel free to use your favourite type of bread!

We want to make a cheesy delicious sandwich with crispy toasted edges. To do that we make a herb butter to smother on our bread. Trust me,it works!

Instructions to make cheese and onion sandwich

Making a cheese and onion sandwich is EASY my friends!

We take simple steps and pack in our flavour. Let's have a look at how to make this sandwich in the photos below.

The 1st 4 steps are all about getting the herbs into our butter.

  1. Start by sprinkling the herbs onto the butter
  2. Followed by the salt and pepper
  3. Stir it all together
  4. Spread this on one side of each side of bread
Cheese and Onion Sandwich steps 1 through 4 with text overlay

Once our herb butter has come together we take the steps to cook our cheese and onion toastie.

These steps are shown in the photos below. I usually use my french pan to make grilled cheese, it is shown here in the photos below.

Cheese and Onion Sandwich steps 5 through 8 with text overlay

As you can see from the photos above we need to:

  • place buttered side of bread onto pan
  • add cheese
  • add onion
  • place other slice of bread on top

Then we simply turn our stove on and let our grilled cheese, melt away! I find it best to keep a low-medium heat as we need for the cheese to melt as the bread toasts, and by cooking this slowly, we allow all of that cheesy awesomeness to happen!

Do you butter both sides of bread for a toastie

Yes, you do!!

This is the best way to make grilled cheese as you cook the sandwich on one side, then flip and cook the other. Buttering both sides of bread will ensure your bread is nicely toasted and has crispy edges (All the better to dip them with!) .

Why is my grilled cheese sticking to the pan

Having made a few grilled cheese in my day, I know that it can be a common occurrence for your grilled cheese to stick to the pan.

There are a couple of things you can do to avoid this grilled cheese disaster though.

When adding your cheese to your sandwiches, make sure all of the cheese stays on the bread and doesn't slip off onto the surface of your pan. The best way to do this is to keep the cheese inside your crusts.

Another reason why this sometimes happens is because there is not enough butter or spray oil on the pan surface to ensure you grilled cheese will cook nicely and not stick.

When making your cheese and onion sandwich, make sure you spread your herb butter right to the edges of the bread. This will ensure that it won't stick to the pan!

Toastie recipes

If you love grilled cheese as much as I do, you will probably want to make as many varieties and different flavour combinations as you can.

Here are a few suggestions to test your devotion to the ole grilled cheese:

  1. Hashbrown Grilled Cheese (also vegetarian)
  2. Zucchini Grilled Cheese
  3. Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

What goes best with grilled cheese

The more I cook grilled cheese, the more often I realise that you need a really good sauce to dip it into.

For our cheese and onion sandwich, we have a simple combination of great flavours. Combining cheese and onion is already almost a good thing.

Grilled cheese need to be dipped, there is no mistaking this. Dip the corners of your sandwich into the dipping bowl and slurp up all of the juices you can!

All we need to do to top it off is to serve it with balsamic vinegar. Grab a small bowl for each grilled cheese you are making!

Cheese and Onion Sandwich on a white background with a small bowl of balsamic vinegar

Expert tips for success

  • mix the herbs into the butter thoroughly
  • use bread slices that have no holes in them
  • spread butter right to the edges of the bread
  • don't puttoo muchcheese inside as it will ooze out and stick to the pan

Frequently asked questions

  1. Dried onion will be with the other spices at the store
  2. Butter one side of each slice of bread
  3. The toastie will take about 5 mins each side to cook
  4.  Allow to cool for a couple of minutes before cutting (just 2 -3 mins)
  5. Serve the cheese and onion toasted sandwich with balsamic vinegar

Cheese and Onion Sandwich Quick info

  • mozzarella, shredded, tasty or light are all good cheeses to use
  • the dried onion pairs very well with the melted cheese
  • the cheese and onion sandwich is best served hot
  • add some fresh oregano leaves to your plates for colour

Your quick questions answered

  1. this recipe makes 2 cheese and onion sandwiches
  2. the thyme, oregano, garlic, salt and pepper get stirred into the butter
  3. Cut or pull sandwiches in half to serve
  4. Cheese will ooze from your grilled cheese!
  5. This is a super EASY recipe
Cheese and Onion Sandwich pulled apart with cheese strings between each side on a white background

The herb butter ensures that our bread is toasted to perfection in both colourandtexture!

Cheese and Onion Sandwich being held above small white bowl of balsamic vinegar to dip

Is there anything better than a grilled cheese dipped in an awesome homemade sauce before you wrap your mouth around it?

  • Hash Brown Grilled Cheese

  • Baked Bean Toastie

  • Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

  • Zucchini Grilled Cheese

PINand save this recipe for later!

Hunger still got you? You canSUBSCRIBE to receive the latest recipes, follow me onPinterest,Instagram orFacebook.


Cheese and Onion Sandwich stack with cheese oozying out

  • Fry pan

Cheese and Onion Sandwich

  • 4 slices multigrain sourdough Note 1
  • 2 tbsp dried onion Note 2
  • 40 grams butter softened
  • cup cheese Note 4
  • 1 tsp oregano dried
  • 1 tsp thyme leaves dried
  • ½ tsp garlic granules Note 3
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper

Cheese and Onion Sandwich

  • Place butter in a small mixing bowl, add oregano, thyme, salt and pepper, use a spoon to thoroughly mix together

  • Spread butter on one side of each slice of bread Note 4

  • Place buttered side of bread down onto pan surface

  • Divide the cheese between the 2 sandwiches and sprinkle it onto the bread, keeping in between the crusts

  • Divide dried onion between each sandwich and sprinkle it on the cheese

  • Place remaining slice of bread buttered side up for each sandwich

  • Cook at a medium - low temperature for approx 5 mins each side, allowing butter to melt and bread to toast before flipping (use a flat slotted spoon) to cook other side

  • Serve with small bowls of balsamic vinegar and oregano leaves (optional)

  • Note 1: use any bread you like, but choose the pieces that don't have holes as other wise your cheesy deliciousness will ooze on out through them.
  • Note 2: this is dried and is sold in the cooking aisle (herbs etc)
  • Note 3: these are also dried and will also be with the herbs and spices at the shops
  • Note 4: butter all the way to the edges so that the grilled cheese won't stick to the pan
  • Note 5: Mozzarella, grated, tasty and light are all good cheese to use for grilled cheese
  • Note 6: Serving suggestion is 1 cheese and onion sandwich per person

Calories: 613 kcal | Carbohydrates: 78 g | Protein: 21 g | Fat: 25 g | Saturated Fat: 15 g | Cholesterol: 63 mg | Sodium: 2081 mg | Potassium: 263 mg | Fiber: 4 g | Sugar: 5 g | Vitamin A: 689 IU | Vitamin C: 4 mg | Calcium: 213 mg | Iron: 5 mg

It makes my day when you make my recipes! Tag @sweetcaramelsunday

Vegetarian Grilled cheese recipes

This cheese and onion sandwich and the other grilled cheese recipes that I have shared with you so far on the blog are all vegetarian.

I know it is a popular idea to have meatless meals where you can at times during the day and this is a good way to achieve that.

Funny story, I admit that I once did burn a grilled cheese sandwich and you will laugh at the reason why. It was taking a really long timefor the cheese to melt, so I thought I would grab the vacuum and whip round and do that at the same time. BIG MISTAKE, not only did I end up with 2 burnt grilled cheese, I had used a non stick pan and it took me literally hours to scrub it clean!

As always, let me know if something pops to mind that you want to know, I am here cooking right beside you.

Adrianne xx

If lunch recipes are your thing, then check out some more ideas to spark inspiration right here:

How Do You Make a Cheese and Onion Toastie
